Digibank CN

In Dec 2022 we successfully launched Digibank CN to our users in China. It also marks the last full app revamp project is completed for all our 6 markets.

Similar to almost every company in the world, this 2.5 year project was completely done during Covid. All meetings were held online – we overcame many challenges from design discussion to usability testing, from biz requirements to tech constraints.

My role in the project is same as the previous Digibank TW and HK revamp projects – leading UX design and working with biz, delivery and tech teams co-create a Simpler, Smarter, Faster app for our users.  While working, I deeply felt our customer behaviours in SG, TW, HK and CN are different in some certain products. We need to think wholistically in the design stage – not only we want to provide a best-in-class experience to our users, but we also want to create scalable and reusable MFEs to during the development.  After quite a fair amount of research and debate, we finally came up with the final design solutions. 

Besides UX designers, we also have UX researchers, content designers and DLS designers who contributed to this project. Many thanks to them. I really enjoy working in such a great team.