The Halton Mill

Hallton Mills has a history of 270 years and it was used as a cotton factory and a military factory in the past. In 2012 Lancaster Cohousing Group purchased the mill and surround place and they have created an eco community with PassivHaus standards. The mill will be refurbished with low cost and rented out to local artists as personal studios. A new industrial-style reception room and a multifunctional room are designed which will not only reflect the history of the mill but also bring a new life to the mill.

To be more environmental friendly and cost-saving, most of the furniture is uniquely designed and is made of the materials up-cycled from the site. They come from wasted wooden boards, large cable wheels or pallet boards. A sitting area is hidden from the floor in the communal space, which can be used as a small theatre, art gallery or activity room.


A comparison of historic map and the map before co-housing project

The History of the Mill

Floor Plan

Ground Floor

First Floor

3D Visualisation


Sitting Area

Multi-Functional Room - Gallery

Multi-Functional Room - Performance