JD Paipai

Founded in 2005, Paipai was a C2C auction site and previously operated by Tencent. It was merged into JD Group in 2014, while in the same year I joined the Mobile R&D team of Paipai, responsible for the mobile app design for both iOS and Android. It's like a new startup - we rebranded it and tried to explore more possibilities for the new Paipai using of JD's existing resources and channels.

We worked quite hard to kept releasing new features very two weeks through the whole year. The quickest way to grow is working in such a high-performance company as you will be acting as many roles at the same time.

Not only worked as a UX designer at Paipai, I also did the wall mural design for some departments in our new office.

Key Design Screens


Product Detail

Worth a Buy

Shops Nearby

Order page

Control Panel

Other Design Screens

Wall Mural Design

Concept for Service Department

Concept for R&D Department

Service Department

R&D Department

Marketing Department